Rules & Regulation
- Uniform as prescribed by institution.
- Identity Card.
- Morning assembly , punctuality and regularity.
- Taking part in physical activates.
- Reading news paper, daily speech on current topics, more values & social Reformers etc.
- To celebrate nation and international days.
- To celebrate the Jayantees of great leaders. Philosophers and religious sants.
- To celebrate religious festival.
- To celebrate annual function and other co-curricular activities.
- To secure at least 85% attendance.
- To give class tests, monthly tests and house exams.
- To provide assignments, project works seminars and others.
- Teaching practice at least 40 days each year.
- Practical works, charts etc.
- Charge of monthly tests, house tests, exam fees, co-curricular activities and celebration of festival will be extra as prescribed by institution.
- Absent fine and other fines will be received only monthwise.
- Expenses done by institution to convey any message to your resident or postal charges etc. will be charged form you.
- Since it is a professional course, regularity in attending the classes/seminars/workshops/camps & other activates are compulsory.
- The candidates admitted to the course shall have to abide by the rules and regulation for the institution/development.